With thousands of items available
on www.imlss.com, and new products constantly being added, finding the product
you're looking for may seem a bit daunting. To find exactly what you need, as
quickly as possible, we provide three methods to search our store: A Store Directory,
a Vendor Search, and an Advanced Search.
Store Directory Search
To make things easy, we've grouped out products into several categories. These categories are located on the left-hand side of most pages in the website.
When you select one of the product categories, that categories contents are
displayed along the left-hand side column and in the middle of the screen. This
category drill-down continues until you reach the lowest level of a category
where a products item code will be displayed.
Advanced Search
If you are unsure what category a product you are looking for is contained,
try our Advanced Product Search. Located at the top of every page, the Advanced
Product Search allows you to specify your criteria for multiple fields at one time.
Simply decide what's important to you for each option, and then scan the entire www.imlss.com inventory for items that match.
Every now and then you may get a search that returns No Results. If
you see this, please check to make sure that you spelled the keyword correctly.
Although we will attempt to return the information that you want, misspelled
words will generally not return results. |