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Mullion Prox Reader HID, AWID Compatible

Part#: IEIP300HAS
Hot#: 148509
Mfg: IEI

Contact an IML Representative for Details

  • Series Overview
  • Specifications
Notice: The info below is not item specific.


  • Interoperable with certain AWID and HID 125-kHz proximity card formats, the P-300HA is designed to be mounted to metal door and window frames, provides non-contact read ranges up to 6-inches (15cm), includes horizontal and vertical mounting slots, with electronics secured in tamper-resistant epoxy potting, and is supplied with both black and off-white covers.

Specifications for IEI IEIP300HAS

Other Specs
Alternate CodesIEIP300AHS, P300AHS, P300HAS
CategoryAccess Control, Hardwired, Prox Readers & Keypads (Hardwired)
MountingMullion Mount, Surface Mount
Reader StyleProx. Reader
Voltage5 - 14V DC