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Wet Noodle & Retriever

Part#: LSD85-124 WR24
Hot#: 112030

Available: 35 ( 3 DAL, 7 DEN, 9 LV, 12 PHX, 4 SLC )

  • Series Overview
  • Specifications
Notice: The info below is not item specific.

Labor Saving Devices

  • Accept no inferior knock-offs. Use the original wet noodle retriever system. LSDI developed the ball chain and magnetic retriever concept many years ago to help save installation time. Since its conception, it immediately became a “must have” tool for retrofit installations. Thanks to our customer’s valuable feedback, LSDI has improved upon the wet noodle retrieval system (WNRS) to provide more versatility and functionality. One significant improvement made to the 24” flexible retriever is the addition of a larger more powerful magnet (1/4”) on the end opposite the original 3/16” Neodymium magnet. Rounding out this useful tool system is 10 feet of lightweight ball chain with stop ring and the addition of our 18” telescoping pocked retriever (LBS).

Specifications for Labor Saving Devices LSD85-124 WR24

Other Specs
Alternate Codes112030, 85-124 WR24, 85124WR24
CategoryAccess Control, CCTV Products, Installation Tools & Accessories, Locksmith Equipment, Tools, Wire Installation Tools, Wire & Power Supplies
TypeWire Pulling Products