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KIT - nexTouch Exit Trim, Pushbutton Keypad, Augusta Lever, Z-Wave - Wireless Communication, Schlage C Keyway, Grade 1, Weather Resistant, Satin Chrome 626/US26D

Part#: ACNAU-NTT612-ZW2-2803-626
Hot#: 168330

Available: 3 ( 3 STX )

Pushbutton Keypad Exit Device Trim With Cylinder Override. Latchbolt Retracted By Lever Outside With Valid PIN Code. Manage Access With Up To 500 Unique PIN Codes.

  • Specifications

Specifications for Accentra (was Yale) ACNAU-NTT612-ZW2-2803-626

Other Specs
Alternate CodesAU-NTT610-ZW2-2803-626, AUNTT610ZW22803626, AU-NTT612-ZW2-2803-626, AUNTT612ZW22803626, YALAU-NTT610-ZW2-2803-626
CategoryAccess Control, Commercial Electric Locks, Electric Locks, Lock Sets, Standalone, Standalone Locks, Standalone/Pushbutton Locks