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Electrified QC-12, 12 Wire, 5-Knuckle Hinge, Standard Weight, Full Mortise, Oil Impregnated Bearing (TA), 4.5in x 4.5in (4545), Steel Base, 613/US10B Dark Bronze

Part#: MCKTA2714 4.5 X 4.5 US10B QC12
Hot#: 208932

Available: 8 ( 8 STX )

  • Specifications

Specifications for Mckinney Products Company MCKTA2714 4.5 X 4.5 US10B QC12

Other Specs
Alternate CodesTA2714 4.5 X 4.5 US10B QC12, TA27144.5X4.5US10BQC12
CategoryElectrified Hinges, Hinges